"In every way I have shown you that by hard work of that sort we must help the weak, and keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus who himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35
We take your decision to give very serious and are always striving to be good stewards of your blessings. Your regular giving through the offertory helps fund religious education of our youth, adult faith formation, music, staff salaries, monthly utilities, building and grounds, and administrative costs. Your financial commitment keeps our Parish thriving and continuing our mission.
There are many different ways to financially support our church. Regular giving envelopes, if you are not receiving envelopes and would like to, please contact the office manager in the parish office or by email. Electronic funds transfer is another option that can be used monthly or bi-monthly to automatically withdraw from your checking or savings account. For information on electronic transfer please contact the business manager in the parish office or by email. Online giving is now being offered as well, you can set this up yourself or contact our business manager by calling the parish office or by email for support in setting this up. This allows you to give from your bank account or by using a credit card. Click here to access our We Share program. Both of these options will be confidentially recorded and a statement will be mailed to you in January for tax purposes.
Like the different ways to give, there are also different funds you can designate your giving to go to. Some of the funds are General Operations, Repairs & Maintenance, Candles, Flowers and Needy.
Planned giving is another great way to support our church. Various acceptable gifts are Stock Funds, Real Estate, Life Insurance, Wills and Bequests and Matching Gifts. If you would like more information on planned giving, please call the business manager at the parish office at 419-447-2087 or you can email her.